Fasd and Substance abuse

By: Tim father of 3

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This is about a journey through substance abuse and someone living with Fasd from the Father’s perspective.
My daughter entered the world of addictions at age 13.
She did drugs on and off for 7 years.
At age 20 she used drugs on a consistent basis.
This caused a lot of pain and heartache for not only her,but the entire family.
There were no supports that would prove yo be helpful but many that failed.
This led us to a real feeling of hopelessness
and frustration.
For the next 5 years my daughter was living on the street and finding herself in very dangerous situations.
It seemed like there was no way to help her.
I tried everything I could just to keep her alive.
Everywhere I turned to for help did not know how to deal with Fasd.
I could not ever afford to give up and every single day brought about a new challenge.
Many times I thought of giving up but with every new challenge came more strength
I worked hard with the system to create a home that was supported 24/7 to help woman with Fasd and substance abuse.
It was through this program that my daughter stopped using drugs and now leads a healthy and wonderful life celebrating 5 years of sobriety.
There was many difficult times on this journey but the rewards far outweighed the challenges.

My words of advice for those parents facing this is to never give up, and seek help from others to support you as it is very hard to do on your own.
You will find strength within yourself that can overcome even the most challenging situations
If you are reading this please know you are most alone…..