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Avoiding drug and alcohol abuse.

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Here are some teaching strategies to help avoid drug and alcohol abuse from FASD Support Network of Saskatchewan. 1. Begin to teach and talk about drugs and alcohol early and often. Use clear and direct language along with real life examples. 2. Be specific about which drinks are alcohol and which drugs are illegal drugs. […]

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“Looks like you have warpaint Momma J,” Sam laughed as he grabbed my delivery items. It was my second trip to dialysis today. I was grateful to have four wheels back on my car – minus 16 below zero is hard on vehicles – compounded by ice chunks and potholes. I had picked up breakfast […]

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Yellow jacket

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I took my 3 year foster child to a special needs camp. During a sharing circle a boy said he is allergic to “yellow jackets” meaning bees and was frightened of being bitten. My gal’s face fell and in faint voice told them that she has a yellow jacket at camp but promised not to […]

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Holy poop method

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When I was a newer mom, I couldn’t wait to get over the need to wipe bums, clean up diapers, and face the challenges that fecal matter brings us. With my first, I struggled to potty train, at that point, I was a mom of three under three, not yet clear that FASD was in […]

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4.0 1 review

We are very fortunate to have a pediatrician that listens. He was there where my son was born, and he knew the medical history of my son’s birthmother in much more detail than I have ever been able to find out. He was the first one who recommended getting an FASD diagnosis. He also makes […]

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At first sign of meltdown

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As I was listening to the FASD family life podcast, I heard a great story and rationale from one of the speakers. You can switch the fight-flight-freeze response off by simply getting your kiddo to swallow. I tried it in the middle of an EPIC meltdown, I didn’t say anything just put a glass of […]

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PJs and sleep

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My kids have trouble with sleep. My one hated going to bed; he hated white noise, he hated light sensory things, he hated all sorts of tricks as I learned and tried them. Vehemently hated. One day he came upstairs in his sister’s night gown taken from the laundry pile and promptly went to sleep […]

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1-2-3 Magic

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I use the technique 1-2-3 magic to help my kids think about their impulsivity at an early age. If you catch them doing something they shouldn’t say “1” in your stern parent voice. Then count ten elephants in your head (I find my slow processors need 15 elephant count). Say nothing else. Then 2 (again […]

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Understanding Concepts and Learning New Skills

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Children with FASD have difficulty understanding concepts, learning new skills or facts and remembering what was previously learned. Useful strategies are: Divide requests or instructions into small pieces of information; for example, provide details on what is first and what needs to be done next etc. Use visual aids, e.g. photos, cartoons etc. When assisting […]

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